Energy City New Horizons Music
Energy City New Horizons Music 

Artistic Director   Terry Tullos

Poster from concert featuring 1940s era music

New Horizons Music

The first New Horizons Band was started in 1991 by professor Roy Ernst at the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, NY. It was supported by grants from NAMM, the International Music Products Association and the National Association of Band Instrument Manufacturers (NABIM). The word spread through articles in publications such as the The New York Times and a feature spot on The Today Show and eventually the program expanded to include bands, orchestras and other ensembles. Today there are more than 100 New Horizons Music programs in the United States and Canada with many more in the planning phase.

New Horizons Music comes to Houston

Energy City New Horizons Music (ECNHM) is Houston's first New Horizons International Music Association (NHIMA) group member.

Planning for the Houston group started in the spring of 2009 followed by a Kick-off and Sign-up Meeting in August. With the enormous support of our Artistic Director Terry Tullos, our Board of Directors, financial contributors and Memorial Drive United Methodist Church, we have grown to an active membership of over 60. ECNHM has performed several concerts and is looking for additional opportunities to share their music. We're especially anxious to have new members join us in this fun and rewarding experience. The original New Horizons program at the Eastman School of Music was designed to serve the senior population. The policy of the Energy City New Horizons Music program is, “If you consider yourself to be an adult, you’re eligible.” If you're interested in obtaining additional information, please contact Terry Tullos.

It's easy and fun

As an adult, you have advantages that will help you learn music. If you played an instrument in school years ago, you will be amazed at how much you remember and how quickly you will be able to play again. Even if you've never played music, you are already familiar with the sound of a lot of the music that will be included in your early instruction. Most adults are more motivated, self-disciplined, and have more time to practice than their younger counterparts. If you attend lessons and practice, you'll be playing music before you know it! From then on, it's even more fun to play with others in classes, chamber music groups, small ensembles, bands and orchestras.

Learning to play music

Playing music is a special joy and it will help you maintain mental and physical health. It is also a way of experiencing life: playing music from the past keeps us in touch with those feelings; daily practice keeps us active in the present, and striving for new goals attaches us to the future. One band member describes it as "serious fun." As a member o the New Horizons Music, you will meet new friends and work with them as a team to learn music for concerts and other performances in the community. New Horizons ensembles typically perform many times each year in venues ranging from formal concerts to shopping malls to parks and retirement and nursing homes.

Getting started

The first step in getting started is attending an informational meeting at which all of your questions will be answered by our Artistic Director, Terry Tullos. You will also have a chance to meet some of the other participants. 

      - Re-learn to play the instrument that you played earlier in life.

      - Choose an instrument that has a sound or look that you like.

      - Check with Terry to see which instrument is needed in the band.

When selecting an instrument, keep in mind that in a very small number of cases, physical characteristics may indicate that a particular instrument will be relatively easy or difficult. Options can be discussed with the Terry.

Obtaining an Instrument

Use your own - If you already have an instrument be sure to take it into a repair shop to make sure that it is in excellent working condition. Some music students become frustrated because they try to learn on an instrument that no one can play.

Rent an instrument - Music dealers rent instruments for a very reasonable monthly fee. It is usually possible to exchange for another instrument if you change your mind. 

Buy an instrument - Once you're certain of the instrument you'd like to play, purchase one at your local music store. It is recommended that you learn the basics on a particular instrument before making a purchase.

Contact Us Today!

Energy City         New Horizons Music

13184 Memorial Drive
Houston, Texas




Donations are needed and gratefully accepted to help us meet our mission.


Phone: (832) 230-6297

Terry Tullos


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ECNHM is a 501(3)(c) organization. Contact Information: Terry Tullos, Artistic Director (713) 579-2933